Fast Company Asks XLabs How to Unlock AI’s Full Potential

James Howlett News & Events

Fast Company recently asked XLabs if AI could be more than the current Silicon Valley narrative. You may have guessed we had a few thoughts to share.

Dr. Radhika Dirks, CEO of XLabs, a technology company building “moonshot” projects in AI, is bullish on the point. The biggest opportunity in AI is “not machines that think like us or do what we do, but machines that think in ways we cannot conceive and do what we can not.” While collaborating with non-human intelligence is hard for postmodern people like us to grasp, she says, our forebears would have understood it just fine. “They worked with companions that could see more, think different, and sense via unknown modes. They knew that paying attention to a dog or a horse in the wild could mean the difference between life and death.” Ultimately, she says, “companies that do not seek to amplify their human intelligence with diverse automated intelligences will be left behind.”

Check out the full article here: Five Ways to Ensure AI Unlocks It’s Full Potential